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Howling Horrors Toys

A Valentine’s Day Drop

A Valentine’s Day Drop

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Taxes included.

 This is our Valentine’s Day Themed Drop! Please read descriptions before purchase!

1-Cthulhu’s Embrace SOFT (00-30)-Hot pink and red suction cups with sparkly white tentacles. GITD

2-Coral SOFT (00-30) Strawberries and Cream-Hand painted strawberries, a creamy white star and suction cups with a sparkly pink body. GITD

3-Apama and Pfefferi SOFT (00-30) Strawberries and Cream-Hand painted strawberries, a white drip, and a sparkly pink body. GITD

4-Coral SOFT (00-30) Hearts-White, red, and hot pink hearts with a sparkly pink body. GITD

5-Apama and Pfefferi SOFT (00-30) Hearts- White, red, and hot pink hearts with a sparkly pink body. GITD

6-MEDIUM Kith SOFT (00-30) Strawberries and Cream-A sparkly pink werewolf with hand painted strawberries, red nose, lips, and tongue, with bright white teeth, and yellow freckles. GITD Slightly discounted due to shallow bubble on tip of nose (See photo)

7-MEDIUM Kith SOFT (00-30) Hearts-A sparkly pink werewolf with hand painted white, red, and hot pinks hearts, a red nose and tongue, and hot pink lips either bright white teeth. GITD

8-Robot Dog Riding Pig SOFT 00-30)-A red robot riding a sparkly white pig with hand painted eyes, ears, and feet. GITD

9-Robot Dog Riding Pig SOFT (00-30)-A sparkly pink robot riding a red pig with hand painted eyes, ears, and feet. GITD

10-Foxy Bum SOFT (00-30)-White heart and bum with a sparkly pink body. GITD

11-Foxy Bum SOFT (00-30)-White heart and bum with a red body. GITD Slightly discounted due to weird texture. GITD

12-MEDIUM Trevor SOFT (00-30)-A sparkly white, sparkly pink, and hot pink shaft bursting out of red jeans with hand painted white fur and fray. GITD

13-Cthulhu’s Embrace MEDIUM (00-50)-Sparkly white and hot pink suction cups with red tentacles. GITD

14-Coral MEDIUM (00-50) Strawberries and Cream-Hand painted strawberries, a creamy white star and suction cups with a sparkly white body. GITD

15-Apama and Pfefferi MEDIUM (00-50) Strawberries and Cream-Hand painted strawberries and a sparkly white body. GITD 

16-MEDIUM Kith W/Drool MEDIUM (00-50) Strawberries and Cream-A sparkly white werewolf with hand painted strawberries, red nose, lips, and tongue, with bright white teeth, yellow freckles, and blue drool. GITD Slightly discounted due to air bubbles on nose (see photo).

17-MEDIUM Kith MEDIUM (00-50) Hearts-A sparkly white werewolf with hand painted red and hot pink hearts, hot pink nose and lips, and a red tongue with bright white teeth. GITD

18-Foxy Bum MEDIUM (00-50)-White hearts and bum with a hot pink body. GITD

19-Stenops and the Wand of Destiny MEDIUM (00-50)-Stenops is a red to hot pink to sparkly white fade with hand painted red hearts around the base. GITD. TWand of Destiny is a sparkly white to hot pink to red fade with hand painted white hearts on the base. GITD


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